Friday, August 30, 2024

Walker for walking

Since I am 77 years old, no one is more surprised than me that I am still alive. Frankly, the Veteran's Administration is the reason I am still around.

I am on eleven medications which take care of my type 2 diabetes, my congestive heart failure, and various other things. Although I was overweight for much of my life, (275 at one time) I currently weigh just 200 pounds (5'10").

Because I have slightly bad knees from all the heaviness before, I really wanted to stay out of a wheelchair

The VA gave me an expensive walker which I use every time we go out. We walk a few blocks most days and the "walker" allows me to walk without falling and gives me a seat to rest in when necessary.

The US Navy did two wonderful things for me back in 1969: taught me to write for publication and the Honorable Discharge gave me medical care in my old age. Thanks, Navy!